James 3:1-5
Ahh, informercials. You know, there is nothing better on a boring night than to flip through all the channels and watch a good infomercial. My two favorite are the Silver Bullet and that vacuum sealer thingy. I always love it when the Ronco man leads the crowd in saying, "Set It and Forget It!" It just gives me chills thinking about it.

The Inflatable Valet: Running late and unable to find a parking spot. Head on in to the office and let the Inflatable Valet do all the work.
The Remote Control Holster: Tired of scrounging around for that lost remote control? Do you refuse to change the channel the old fashioned way? Get the Remote Control Holster. It clips on your belt right next to your cell phone. Now your remote control is only a quick draw away.
Chameleo-Flage: It's chameleon DNA mixed with paint. Cover your body in it and instantly blend in to your surroundings. Works on automobiles too.
Tired of traffic jams, buy the new Zanac 5000...a flying car!
Bully-Killer: Get rid of those pesky bullies once and for all. (Does not actually kill the bully, only renders them helpless in a pile of tears!) Available in aerosol and liquid forms.
BaDing!: It's an instant meal. Anything you like. Just put the packet in the BaDing, press the desired meal button, and "BaDing", instant gratification!
Some of these ideas may seem a little far fetched, but some, at least the remote control holster, would work.
Have you ever been influenced by an infomercial? Why? The people on those commercials are usually so excited, so good at communicating, so skillful at making a product that may not be worthwhile look like a necessity. And everything only costs $19.95!!! It's so easy to get sucked in to what they are selling. But, what if their product doesn't deliver? The sellers on infomercials have an expected level of responsibility to be honest, fully disclosing, and fair. They have this expectation on them because they are in a position of influence that affects other people's lives!
So, what about us? Are we in positions of influence over other people's lives? Who is in a position of influence over us?
James 3:1-5 speaks to one of those positions of influence: teachers. Now, don't check out just beacuse you are not a teacher. These 5 verses hold VERY IMPORTANT lessons for you too. Let's look at 3 Truths and 4 Applications from this passage.
James 3:1-2-"Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that we shall incur a stricter judgement. For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well."
Truth 1: Teachers are held to a higher standard. (v 1)
Why are teachers held to a higher standard? For the same reason advertisers are. They have a direct influence over other people's lives, and a more regular influence over other people's lives. Teacher's words are very influential. They can teach, but they can also mold. People who are great teachers become great leaders. Because of this, teachers must be held to a higher standard, by God and man.
Truth 2: Teachers are not perfect in what they say. (v 2)
Here is why this passage is important for everyone, and not just teachers. Teachers are not perfect. We all have to realize that so that we do not follow blindly and so be led down the wrong path. Always take the words of your teachers, including me, and compare them to the TRUTH, God's Word.
Think about Hitler. Was he an imposing man? No! But he was a great speaker! He was a brilliant mind and led millions down a path that destroyed lives and attempted to destroy whole nations.
What about David Koresh. Hundreds followed his supposed Biblical teachings and ended up dying a horrible death at the hands of their leader.
Even Osama and Sadam. These are religious men who have based their lives on the twisted teaching of scripture (and I am NOT referring to the Koran as Scripture, but it does twist the true Scripture, the Bible). As a result, thousands have died and entered eternity separated from God!
It is important that we examine the teachings of our leaders and hold them up to the light of the TRUTH!
"Now, if we put the bits into the horses' mouths so that they may obey us, we direct their entire body as well. Behold, the ships also, though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, are still directed by a very small rudder, wherever the inclination of the pilot desires. So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. Behold, how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire!" James 3:3-5
Truth 3: Great teachers have great influence on great followings.
Even one man or woman can lead great crowds away from the Truth. We must be vigil ent in keeping watch and holding our teachers acountable for what they teach.
Application: WARNING!
1. WARNING: Being a teacher of God's Word is a high calling that is not for everybody!
2. WARNING: Teachers will be held to a higher standard by God and man!
3. WARNING: Teachers have great influence and may lead you astray!
4. WARNING: Teachers of the Word who are not called by God will not survive!
Teaching the Word is something that is a calling from God. All of us have a calling placed on our lives by God. What is yours? Pray about that right now. Ask God to show you who he wants you to have influence over for His Truth now and in the future. How does He want you to impact this world for Christ.
What a great honor it is, and a great responsibility, to be in the service of the King!!!
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