James 4:1-10
Have you ever tried to climb a fence? Have you ever gotten your shirt or shoe string stuck on the fence as you tried to climb over? What was your attitude when that happened? Did you decide to just sit on the fence and wait it out, or did you do whatever it took to get yourself untangled so that you could get over that fence?
So many Christians are content to get stuck on the fence between who they used to be and who God wants them to be. Be careful, because God may come along and knock you off the fence, not in gentleness, but with pain.

James talks about this phenomenon in James 4:1-10. He starts with a discussion of conflict and wars. What is the conflict, and what causes it? The conflict is the everyday battle we face between doing what we should do and doing what we do. This battle can lead to sin.
Here is a definition for Sin: Placing your desires for you above God's desires for you.
When we commit this sin (selfishness, pride, idol worship), we are straddling a very dangerous line. When someone claims to be a Christian, yet lives their life in such a way that defies all that being a "new creation" is supposed to mean, you are at the same time trying to be friends with the world and God. This is called straddling the fence in the Christian life. You are living a lukewarm life, neither hot or cold.
What does God have to say about fence straddlers and lukewarm Christians who walk the line between worldly living and Biblical living?
"You adultresses, do you not know that friendship with the would is hostility towards God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself and enemy of God." James 4:4
If you are living your life on the fence, God considers you His enemy? Why? Because you are doing His Kindom absolutely NO GOOD! If you call yourself a Christian, yet date someone that everyone knows doesn't live up to Christian virtues, it cheapens your claim to Christianity. If you call yourself a follower of God, yet live in a way that follows after all the desires and toys of the world, your loyalties are seen as cheap. Christians that sit on the fence detest God and should detest other Christians.
Don't live a life of Cheap Christianity. Get on God's side of the fence and seek to move as deeply and far away from the fence, into Biblical living, as you can. Don't be one who hangs out next to he fence ready to jump over at a moments notice.
Here are some truths to grab hold of in Jame 4:1-10:
Truth 1: Trying to fulfill our desires on our own terms leads to sin. (v 1-2)
Truth 2: God wants us to ask and trust Him to fulfill our desires. (v 2)
Truth 3: Go dis not obligated to fulfill selfish requests. (v 3)
Truth 4: Friendship with the world is like cheating on God. (v 4)
Truth 5: God is jealous for us because He created us for a purpose. (v 5)
Truth 6: We must submit to God before we can resist the Devil. (v 7)
Truth 7: God desires to be close to his creation. (v 8)
Turth 8: Repentance and humility bring hope of encouragement. (v 9-10)
The Challenge: Questions to Consider
Which side of the fence are you on? Are you on the fence? What "gunk" is on your hands that is dirtying the pure tasks that God has placed in your life? What selfish ambition, anger, pride, jealousy, etc. needs to be cleansed from your life so that you can be lifted up by the Lord? What circumstances are in your life now that require you to submit to God so that you don't sin in your response to those circumstances? Whare is your hope? In Jesus? In yourself? In others?
Keep digging into truth for motivation and direction. Be willing to humble yourself before God and let Him lift you up!
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