Thursday, November 10, 2005

The End

Wednesday, November 9
James 5:7-20

This is it. The end of the James study. If you missed Wednesday night then you missed the culmination of 4 months of study.

The book of James is full of practical advice for the Christian life. So, after studying James, we should have a pretty good idea of how Christians are supposed to live, now we just need to do it. So how can we do it? In James 5:7-20 we find 8 practical ways to "live the life" of a believer.

How to Successfully Live the Christian Life

1) Have Patience-Wait Actively for the Lord. (v7-8)

2) Don't fight among yourselves. Christians fighting with Christians does not help anyone successfully live the Christian life. (v9)

3) Study and be encouraged by the example of the saints that have gone the Bible and in Church history up to today.

4) Live above blame. Live in such a way that you can ALWAYS be trusted (v12)

5) Faithful prayer and praise...for and with those around you. (v13-15, 17-18)

6) Confess your sins to each other. (Accountability #1) (v 16)

7) Don't let each other off the hook for sin. (Accountability #2) (v19)

8) Consistently Witness. (v20)

So now, let's go out and do it...don't just!!!

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