Hey Everybody...
I know this question is a little late this week...sorry...still, we'll be talking about it Sunday night, so get your comments in here and let me know what you think!
Is Discipline Necessary? Why or Why Not?
And tied in to that, what is the purpose of discipline? Do you like it when you are disciplined (by God or parents)? Does discipline ever have benefits? ETC. ETC. ETC.
If you have read this, take an extra 2 minutes to post something!!! Be open and Honest!!!
Thursday, March 2, 2006
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Our Clemson Trip10 years ago
yes, discipline is necessary because discipline helps the child know right from wrong. True, i t-totally hate it when im punished whether by God or my parents or even my color guard instructor...it sooo sucks but we need it to train us. somewhere in the Bible it was if you train ur child in the way they should go then they will not depart from it. also, it saids that God chastens us because He loves us. It has it benifits most of the time because we hopefully will learn from our mistakes. or we'll learn not to do something because we know that we will be punished for it.
If im right God disciplined his people when they did wrong like the two kids that were the incense burners for the tabernacle they burned the wrong stuff so he punished them with death. And our punishment for our sins is death which we all deserve but THANK GOD PRAISE THE LORD he sent Jesus to the rescue. As the famous words of Josh HE WHO SPARES THE ROD HATES HIS CHILD. We need punishement in this world and God is right and just in his decisions and gives our parents the just and right desicions for our disipline. Hope this ain't to long see ya GOD BLESS
wow, i have to say i agree with josh. Srry i couldnt be there tonight guys, i went to jameison instead : ) I'll be there Wednesday! CANT WAIT : )
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