I don't know about the rest of the people that went, but I had a BLAST helping lead Momentum '06, the FAR COUNTRY!
Smore's for breakfast, intense

games of MAO, three legged soccer, soggy bananas being passed around, the grim reaper, paddling a raft across the inlet at 12:30 in the morning, ultimate frisbee, four square, a bruise (that I still have and is still growing) from intense 2-on-2 soccer, noodle fencing, walk and talks, surprise flowers for Christie and candy for me, apple skee ball, really bright flash lights (3 million candles bright!),

mass "murders", black roses, MO, MO and mo' MO bursting into flames, great small group leaders, Ryan McGann asking us to close our eyes and contemplate while he...relieves himself..., Napoleon Dynamite reenactments, writing praises to God, great food, the crystal lites, farting preacher, the destruction of blow up dolls (who knew their heads came off so easily?), countdowns, and so much more to remember!
I'm glad so many of ya'll were able to go, and I hope God taught

you a TON. Of course, it never is easy hearing God tell you things that need to change in your life, so, have courage, take a step of faith, and give a try to this whole "dying to self" thing!
The only way that Momentum will be a success for the long run is if you daily die to yourself and allow God to ruin YOUR life and give you an even better, ridiculously awesome life in HIM!
Take some time to think back to those memorable moments when

God smacked you at Momentum and ask yourself...what am I doing about this challenge from God now? Have I already given up the fight? Am I already picking up the apple again and heading down the spiral of a sinful life again? Have I started trusting myself instead of the Spirit again? Have I quit on the commitment to push forward so that more people can experience the captivating beauty of God? What difference did a week in the presence of God really make on my life?

If you couldn't go with us, grab somebody who went and ask them what they learned, then challenge them to stick with it and hold the line...fight through the apathy and get movin' for the Kingdom!
Praise God for an awesome week! Is Momentum '07 in our future??? Pray about it!

Let everybody else know what it was like...post your best memory from the week and what God taught you!
ah...playing ERS, throwing the football...trying to throw a frisbee...shouting to God how much we need Him...small groups...sessions...singing...meeting AWESOME people that have the same passions that i do...learning to die EVERYDAY...experiencing God in a way ive never felt before...ah...momentum...i miss you....
Seeing Will get a popsicle stick stuck in his mouth...wow...
Also, being able to lead young men and women into a closer relationship with Christ. God has been teaching me about holiness (obedience) and momentum just added to that. THanks to all that were faithful in putting it together!
Loved it. Im SO happy that I went and was able to be closer to God than I ever have been<3
momentum ROKD !!!!!!!!!!!!! i made life long freinds [yeah i know that s what everybody says but its true ] . God taught me alot like he will forgive me for evrry thing .hes my best freind.
the pantsman
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