Wednesday Night Bible Study Recap
August 16, 2006
2 Corinthians 3:6-18
A New Law by Derek Webb
Remember the song we were talking about during our Old Covenant/New Covenant discussion of 2 Corinthians 3 last week? Here it is!
Remember the veil that the law puts over people's eyes to miss the point of freedom in the's a great song and video to depict that.
Many of us have traded the blindfold of sin for the blindfold of living in the obsolete glory of the Law. We have missed the whole joy of salvation: living in and trusting the Spirit to guide us into truth and righteousness through life.
Many Christians still live under the Law because it's "easier". Notice all the "don't teach me..." lines (about moderation and liberty, about politics, about freedom, about truth and beauty...etc.) See, when we live in the freedom of the spirit, there is more studying to do to see what it truly means to be like Christ. That's part of the idea behind sanctification and becoming more like Christ! If it were just about living up to a list, then we may have the wrong idea that we can take our salvation into our own hands!
Is living in the Spirit easy? In a sense, no, because it takes diligent study, the use of our intellect, humility and repentance. All of this goes agianst our tendency toward apathy and our follow the crowd, make it easy for me, instant gratification mindset.
Here's a recap of the Truths we learned from 2 Corinthians 3:6-18:
Truth 1: God wants us to know that we're sinful. (v6)
The job of the Law is to show us our utter inability to follow it. This shows us that salvation has to come from oursdie of ourselves. God wants us to know that we are sinful so that we will seek him out.
Truth 2: The Ministry of the Letter leaves us borken and hopeless because it's glory fades. (v6-7)
Because the Law shows us our sinfulness, it leaves us broken and hopeless becuase we know we could never fulfill the law perfectly. Thankfully, God has provided a way for redemption, first through the sacrifice of animals, and finall through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus. Through him, and only through him, we then find hope in the Spirit.
Truth 3: The Ministry of the Spirit gives us hope and peace because it's glory abounds. (v8-9)
Why does the Ministry of the Spirit abound? Because it's saving power does not depend on us AT ALL! It's all God's work in us. The law depends on our actions. It kills because we break it. The Spirit saves because God works through it.
Truth 4: Whatever glory the Letter did have is now gone. (v10-11)
When Jesus came he fulfilled the law. Is the law still importan? Sure, because it still reveals our sinfulness and shows us the sorts of actions that please God. However, the heart of worship behind our actions is more important. Daily worshiping in Spirit and Truth, seeking to follow Jesus, pleases God in a way that simply following the Law never can. Jesus fulfilled the Law. He made it complete. He is perfect, so we can trust Him for salvation.
Truth 5: The hope of the Spirit makes our speech bold. (v12-13)
The hope of the Spirit is something worth talking about...because it actually involves HOPE! That is why we should be bold in speaking's worth being bold about!
Truth 6: If we focus on the Law we miss the real glory. (v14-16)
This is like someone being amazed by the light of the moon, never having seen the true source of the light, the sun! How amazed would he be to see the glory of the sun that outshines the "glory" of the moon by millions! Focus on the source of the light, not just the reflection.
Truth 7: The Spirit molds us into the image of the glory of Christ. (v17-18)
Where the Law only convicts, in the case of sin, the Spirit not only convicts but teaches and molds us into the image of Christ. Live in the Spirit and when you feel conviction, humbly repent and make the life changes that He is urging you to make. This is the essence of sanctification, becoming more like Christ.
Do not be afraid.
To take a step of faith unlike anyone in your family (or maybe even church) has ever taken.
Do not be afraid.
To use your God-given intellect to study His word and learn straight from the source what it means to have the mind of Christ.
Do not be afraid.
To trust the Spirit to save you, not your obedience to a set of rules (of which you could NEVER live up to anyway!)
Do not be afraid.
To have your long-held beliefs challenged or confirmed by the Word of God.
Do not be afraid.
To look into the true light and glory instead of still focusing on just the fading reflection.
Do not be afraid.
To trust the Spirit to give you the courage and words to share the freedom and hope of Christ to a world dying while trying to follow the Law.
Do not be afraid.
To trade in the comfort of familiarity in following "rules" for the freedom and peace that life in the Spirit affords.
Remember, it takes diligent study, the use of our intellect, humility and repentance to live in the Spirit. Get in the word, get around other believers that are living in the Spirit, and get in a church that is teaching freedom in Christ.
Enjoy the video...look for more soon!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
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