Wednesday Night Recap
Step by Step Through 2 Corinthians Part IX
2 Corinthians 4:13-15
Finish this sentence:
I Believe...
You can finish it with anything you are a few from Wednesday night:
Courtney: I believe that chocolate milk is gross.
Christie: I believe that David Crowder and Derek Webb are the greatest songwriters ever.
Brian D.: I believe that Courtney is wrong.
Evan: I believe that UVA is the greatest sports team ever (or something like that)
When you believe something, are you going to stay quiet about it? Of course not! If someone tried to give Courtney chocolate milk, you know she is going to say something about it being nasty!
The question is...Why do/should we speak about the extraordinary presence of Christ in our clay pot lives?
Why? We Speak Because We Believe
What do you and your friends spend most of your time talking about? You can map it out on a pie chart if you want to so you can get a visual image of how much time you spend talking about tv shows, movies, bands, celebrities, clothes, school, work, family, friends, gossip, church, sports, etc.
Why do we talk about these things? They are important to us! They are what we believe in!
Read 2 Corinthians 4:13
What is the natural outflow of belief? Words and actions
We have the same "spirit" or "vital principles" of faith that have been passed down for generations.
Truth 1: The Vital Princiles of faith do not change. (v13)
"We believe, consequently, we speak"
Truth 2: Storng belief leads to regular speech. (v13)
Why?? We Speak Because we Have Hope
There are so many activist groups in our world that are spending their time talking about things that have absolutely NO eternal significance. Here are a few examples:
*The Global Pastry Uprising (Pie-throwing activism)
*Austin Adopt-a-Minefield Campaign
*The GeekCorps
*Americans United for Separation
*National Association for Socially Responsible Organizations
*The Beard Liberation Front
Yet, here we are holding the key to eternal hope, peace, and life and are keeping it very quiet. It's not that we never say anything, it's that we don't say it very much.
What hope do we have? Read Psalm 116:5-9 and 2 Corinthians 4:14
Jesus substantiantes our claim for eternity. He is going to stand with the believers as proof that we are to spend eternity in the presense of God.
Truth 3: Being presented with Jesus substantiates our claim to eternity. (v14)
Who will be standing there with me, with you?
Why??? We speak becuase we are jealous for God's praise.
This doesn't mean that we want to steal God's praise away from him, but that we know there is a lot of praise that is misdirected, not going to God, who deserves all of it. First we must look at our lives and make sure that we are praising him in all things, not stealing any of that praise, and then we speak of the hope that we have, the grace that has been shown to us, so that more and more people will give thanks, to the glory of God.
Read verse 15.
Truth 4: As grace spreads, thanksgiving grows. (v15)
Truth 5: As thanksgiving grows, God is glorified more and more. (v15)
So, Why are you speaking...or better yet, why aren't you speaking?
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1 comment:
I really liked this Bible Study Ryan!
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