If you missed the last two Flood Zones then you missed the 2 parts of a great movie, Luther. If you came the first week and not the second week, then you missed the moving culmination of what Luther's work was all about.
We have the church and Bible we have today because of Luther and the reformers. These guys were willing to give their lives, not just for their faith, but literally for the Bible in a language that regular people could understand.
Do you enjoy reading the bible in english? If so, praise God for a man like Luther, who took on the established church and all its lies and translated the Bible into a language the people could understand so that they could know what the Gospel really says!
Luther, a man referred to by the Roman Catholic Church as a "drunken little monk", seemingly insignificant, turned the world upside down for TRUTH!
Are your schools full of Truth? Probably not! And here we stand, seemingly insignificant, but with the most important job in the world, as ministers of reconciliation, and here we stand, with

We must take the example of men like Luther, willing to give everything for the sake of getting Truth in the hands of more and more people! There are hundreds...thousands...millions in our world that no nothing of Truth, and we have it. So let's give it to them!
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