WNBS Recap
If you were to open up two different boxes of your favorite cereal (let's say Cocoa Krispies), poured the same amount into two separate bowls, poured the same amount of milk on each, and taken a bite of each, what would you expect? You would expect them to taste the same, right? That's because of a consistency. Offering a consistent product is important to every industry. If only 53% of boxes of Cocoa Krispies tasted like they were supposed to, then customers would stop buying the product, never knowing if they were going to get what they are paying for. Consistency is essential to successful manufacturing. Consistency is also essential to a successful Christian walk. Without consistency, there can be no real expectation.
January 17, 2007
We have heard before that we should compare ourselves to the perfection of Christ and not to the imperfection of other sinful people. As we try to measure up, there are 5 important things we can remember from 2 Corinthians 10:7-18
1. The Importance of Being in Christ (v7)
In verse 7, Paul reminds us to pay close attention to our inward relationship with Christ. Our primary focus has to be our relationship with Christ, not some ability we have, like playing the bassoon!
2. The Importance of Authority in Christ (v8-9)
Different people have different authority in Christ to do different things. This doesn't make one person's authority "better" or "worse", just maybe greater or less. We need to recognize when God has given us authority and when he has given someone else authority. We need to measure up to the authority he has given us, and respect the authority he has given to others. We should not try to live up to the authority he has placed on someone else, stepping into their realm of leadership. First, focus on what positions of influence and authority God has placed you in.
3. The Importance of Consistency in Christ (v10-11)

4. The Importance of Mission in Christ (v12-16)
We are all given a sphere of ministry that God has apportioned to us. We should focus on exactly what God has for us in that ministry. Even if someone else has a similar ministry, we should not compare ourselves to that person and their sphere of ministry, because what God has given them as a result of their ministry may be completely different that what God has for us. And if those minstries overlap in some area we should not take credit for what happens in our sphere as a result of someone else's work. What is your sphere of ministry? What has God apportioned to you? What does he want you to do in your sphere? Focus on those things and seek to measure up to that, not to what another person is doing in their sphere of ministry. Measure up to God's expectations, not man's! Your ministry in your sphere will be unique!
5. The Importance of Approval in Christ (v17-18)
Christ's approval outranks man's approval. We see the praise we should seek in Matthew 25:14-30, commonly known as the parable of the talents. If we focus first on our relationship with Christ, rule withing the authority Christ has given us, live consistently in that authority, succeed in accomplishing what God has for us in our sphere of ministry, then we will receive the only approval that matters..."Well done my good and faithful servant."
What is the common thread in all of this? CHRIST! Compare yourself to him and live up to his expectations.
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