March 21, 2007
2 Corinthians 13:7-14
Well, this is it, the last of our studies through 2 Corinthians! It's taken us about 9 months, but it has been well worth it. Next week we will have our 2 Corinthians Party (and say happy b-day to Courtney at the same time). Bring something to drink or eat, we'll hang out, and review some of the MAJOR LIFE CHANGING TRUTHS that we learned in 2 Corinthians.
But for now, let's head on into the WNBS Recap!

You know, an anchor is an extremely important thing on a relay team. Whether running, swimming, or biking, a solid anchor can hold a lead or make up ground when behind. Having the anchor in the wrong place can spell defeat for a team that otherwise would have won.
Paul has spent a lot of time encouraging and reprimanding the church of Corinth. he has pointed out their righteous acts and their sin, their admirable qualities and their shortcomings. he has shown them godly and fatherly love. He has defended the truth and exposed lies. he has examined the church and asked the church to examine themselves. He has done all this while keeping an eternal perspective. Now, he is ending his letter with a prayer, a prayer that will expose where the anchor of their lives is placed.

The writer of Hebrews reminds us in chapter 2 to "pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it." Our anchor should be in the Truth of Jesus Christ. If we are not anchored there, then we will drift away from the Truth! So, we need to be anchored properly.
Read 2 Corinthians 13:7-14 and look at these 5 ways you can know if you are anchored properly:
1. You know you are anchored properly when... your right actions are not based on someone else's right actions. (verse 7)
2. You know you are anchored properly when...You live with regard for Truth. (verse 8)
3. You know you are anchored properly when...Your faith does not depend on people, but on the promises of God. (verse 9)
4. You know you are anchored properly when...You are encouraged by correction. (verse 10)
5. You know you are anchored properly when...You daily experience God's presence in your personal life and in relationships with others. (verse 11-14)
We need to stop anchoring ourselves to moving foundations. We need to get away from the idea that "my pastor changed my life" or "that camp changed my life" or "my best friend changed my life" or "that movie changed my life" and return to the solid foundation of "The Word of God changed my life!" That is worth anchoring to because it is eternally certain.
This week, examine your attitudes and actions and the motivation behind those attitudes and actions. Regard the Truth as Truth. Receive correction as encouragement, and trust in the promises of God.
1 comment:
That's cool, I just heard an Easter message about some of the stuff you wrote about. The Easter message at the church I was visiting spoke about the resurrection, and how we tend to dwell on past things such as the women who went to view the tomb. It could be anything like: remember that time when....I got 1st in the 2 mile 4 point grade average in high school...the list goes on and on, but it doesn't help us to move forward only stay in the past
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