Go ahead and put Momentum '08 on your calendar for June 22-28. It's going to cost around $200, so PLAN to ATTEND NOW! You don't want to miss this! Just ask anyone who went to Momentum '06!
27-Flood Zone Invite Night-We will be watching a video by Louis Giglio called How Great is Our God-Bring a friend...it is definitely worth seeing!
1-2-20/20 Conference at Southeastern Seminary for all Juniors and Seniors (Cost=$35)
3-Super Bowl Fellowship-Invite a Friend! The Gospel will be Presented!
10-inU Series begins at the Flood Zone
29-Girls Sleepover

March10-14-Tract Week (Hmmmm...what could this be???)
14-Man Party (This is the big one guys! Bring a friend!)
16-Flood Zone Invite Night (Bring Your Friends to Hear the Gospel)
21-Good Friday Worship
23-Easter-No Flood Zone
28-Un-Birthday Party
29-David Crowder in Concert!
7-Man Party Mini (Come watch the NCAA Basketball Championship Game)
12-Casting Crowns w/ Leeland in Concert!

27-Flood Zone Invite Night (Bowling in South Boston)
10-Service Project-Serving the Community
18-Mother's Day-No Flood Zone
24-Pizza & Putt
22-28-Momentum '08 (Dandridge, TN) Start saving your money now! You do NOT want to miss this! (Cost-$200)
1 comment:
MOMENTUM!! yay!!
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