Thursday, November 20, 2008

Proverbs Part XI-Generosity (Proverbs 3:27-28; 22:22-23)

Do you find generosity easy? What do you relate generosity to: giving money to those in need or passing off some of your rarely worn clothes to Goodwill? Is the generosity you display a biblical generosity or a selfish generosity? Is generosity really that important for the church.

Jesus describes the actions of the righteous in Matthew 25:31-46. Generosity is an EXPECTED CHARACTERISTIC of the followers of Christ. Generosity is an illustration of the faith we have in Christ. But what does real generosity look like? Is generosity only necessary when it's convenient for us or when we feel like it or should it be more consistent? Proverbs 3:27-28 shows us three characteristics of true generosity:

1. Real Generosity is Simple (v27): Real generosity does not have to be a big deal or require some sort of special insight, knowledge or grace. Real generosity keeps it simple and can be accomplished "when it is in your power to do it." Real generosity can be as simple as helping someone load their groceries in their car and returning the cart or giving someone a quarter when they are a little short on change at the newspaper stand. Generosity is simple and the opportunity for generosity is all around us.

2. Real Generosity is Immediate (v27): I remember a poster I once had that said "Don't do today what you can put off until tomorrow." This is how we often live our lives, in a cycle of procrastination. This procrastination bleeds over into our generosity. When we see an opportunity for generosity we make excuses or say, "I'll help later." True biblical generosity is immediate, setting aside our selfishness for the sake of another and for the name of Christ.

3. Real Generosity is Indiscriminate (v28): To whom do you find generosity easy? To whom do you find generosity difficult? What about an enemy: could you be generous to them? What about generosity toward someone who seems to have every advantage this world has to offer? True generosity does not discriminate based on need, race, or relationship.

True generosity is beneficial to the giver. Proverbs discusses several ways that we benefit from living generously:

1. Reap what you sow (Prov 11:24-26)
-Giving to the poor is giving to God and he will repay (Prov 19:17)
-Ignoring the poor is ignoring God and we too will be ignored (Prov 21:13)-we will have provision when we are in need
2. Generosity Honors God (instead of insulting him) (Prov 14:31)
3. Even simple everyday generosity will be blessed (Prov 22:9)
4. No lack or want (Prov 28:27)

So, what opportunities do you have to be generous? What is your potential generosity? Think beyond money and clothes and examine your talents, your time, your space, your abilities. You can be generous to your classmates with your knowledge on a subject by offering to help them study. You can be generous to your church family by sharing your talents and gifts in serving the church. You can be generous to your neighbor with your strength by helping them with yard work or moving furniture. You can be generous with your time by offering to help mom clean the house instead of watching TV.

How can you put the potential generosity into practice TODAY?

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