Thursday, March 12, 2009

Intentional Ministry is a new feature. I want you to comment to this post and share your intentional ministry moments throughout the week. I have been really encouraged by the stories I have been hearing as God has led you to minister to your families and friends. Keep listening to the call of the Spirit and let us know how He is leading you to intentionally minister!

Please keep names private (not yours, but the people you minister to) as this is a public forum and we don't want to embarrass anyone.

Looking forward to hearing what God is doing!


Everett said...

I can't say that I have don anything myself this week, but i would like to commend Cait for a personal battle at moms. While at dinner on Saturday night my mother referred to a undeveloped baby as a fetus. Cait quickly corrected mom and and said that it is not a fetus but a baby regardless. Soon the whole table was involved but Cait stood her ground. I just saw that as very encouraging. It is not easy to pick a position against a parents.

H2O Student Ministries said...

very cool!

May I recommend the following site for some info on abortion, baby development and all, just to help educate and encourage you in your discussions with people about abortion:

Anonymous said...

Last week, I was going to have dinner with my friends in the cafeteria. One of my friends texted me and said that he might not be joining us because a friend of his was visiting trying to get her computer fixed. So I met up with him before hand and introduced my self to his friend. My friend had to run back to his room for something so "jill" and I are just chilling so I asked her if she wanted to have Dinner with us. She said said that she did but had no money. Well I was blessed to have an extra Meal Point so I told her i could get her in.
While we were chatting it up she told me that she used to go to Southeastern and chose to go else where because she wasn't a Christian. So I asked her what she did believe and she said she thinks that there is a god like being but she basically has a Pantheistic world view. So I asked her what turned her off to God god. What she told me didn't shock me in the least. She said that she had gone to a christian school for most of her life and was made fun of, stuffed in lockers, called a lesbian, and was continually told that she was going to hell.
I told her "man that sucks, it's "Christians" like them that give Christians like me and my friends a bad name!" She looked at me funny and I could tell she was thinking, "Wait...What...YOU'RE a Christian? But you're nice?!?" So I told her, "Jill not all of us are jerks...a lot of us try to reflect what we actually believe in, ya know?...A loving God."
She still had the weird look on her face as she said, "Yeah but none of you are cool!" I looked at her and smiled, "OH REALLY? I'll bet you that you'll find REAL Christians to be some of the coolest people you've ever met."
So she ate with my crew and we just hung out and had a great time, entertained hard questions (that luckily we were able to answer with educated answers...thank you Lord) and didn't "try to convert her" like she said she feared.
So a seed was planted and what do ya know As I was walking to dinner Wednesday she was waiting out side waiting for the "Cool Christians"(that's what she called my crew) to show up and hang out.

So be on the lookout for opportunities to act like what you preach and just live out Jesus. Hopefully "Jill" will understand that what she was subjected to as a kid isn't what Christ is really about just by hanging out with people who are really about Christ.

H2O Student Ministries said...

I just got off the phone with my step Father... I called him and we talked through share Jesus without fear! It was a really great discussion and I praise God that His Holy Spirit continued to push me to make this call even thought it has taken me about six months!

Christie said...

I asked a friend from third grade forgiveness for calling him a disgusting name one day while we were on the play ground. This memory has haunted me since I became a Christian. I haven't heard back from him but I am thankful for the forgiveness I have received from Christ and shared that with him as well!

Christie said...

the comment about the step father was mine as well! H2O Student Ministries does not have a step father!!

Anonymous said...

okay! well my grandma Pinky had surgery on Friday, so i made her a letter. It was a Get Well/i'm praying for you/ i'm sorry/ happy valentines day card. I dont usually talk "God" with her, but i told her that i had been praying for her and could see that prayers have been answered.
usually when we visit them, pinky and i get in plenty of arguments about a lot of things. most of the arguments are stupid. so i apologized and told her that i never meant to be disrespectful, and that i love her.

i don't know how she will react, but i am hoping that through this she will see God's love in my life.

H2O Student Ministries said...

I have to say...last night was great! I really enjoyed hearing how God is challenging you guys to minister to your family and friends and how ya'll are STEPPING UP to the challenge! Keep it up! It is encouraging to me and to everyone else in H2O and WILL have an impact on the Kingdom of God!