A few quotes from a book I have recently been reading:
When it comes to sin, people are tricky. We are prone to confess our sin but not repent of it. What I mean is this: People commonly say that they have done wrong but lack a deep remorse for who they are in addition to what they have done. The old man was at the point of confession but had not yet come to a place of repentance where he despised himself and wanted to become a new person, not just the same old person trying to do new good things. (Page 185)
If you die as a non-Christian, this life will be as close to heaven as you will ever experience, and nothing but hell awaits you. But if you die as a Christian, this life will be as close to hell as you will ever experience and nothing but heaven awaits you. This is why Paul says to Christians in Philippians 1:21 that "to die is gain." (Page 192)
The death of Jesus should not fill us with pride because we are so valuable, but rather fill us with horror that our sin is so terrible that it required the death of Jesus to atone for it. (Page 195)
Death By Love: Letters from the Cross by Mark Driscoll & Gerry Breshears. 2008 Crossway Books
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