A few notes on our study of idolatry at The Deep End last night.
Exodus 32
-Starts with following a man instead of God (v1)
-Demonstrates peoples’ willingness to sacrifice greatly for the worship of a false god. (v2-3)
-Strongly influences what and how people worship, often aided by a spiritual leader (v4-6)
God Hates Idolatry because...
-Idolatry is corrupt worship (v7-8)
-Idolatry is evidence of refusal to repent (v9)
-Idolatry gets in the way of God’s purposes (v10)
-Appropriate response to idolatry is Immediate & Definitive (v19-v20)
The Typical Response of an idolator
-Point out someone else’s sin to take the focus off yours (v22-23)
-Assume an “innocent” role (v24)
The Eventual consequences of idolatry
-Physical Death (v27-28)
-Spiritual Death (v33)
Idolatry is like a frontal assault on God. It’s like looking at him and saying “you’re not good enough, at least in this area of my life, so I’m going to put my trust, hope, love, joy, and excitement here instead of in you.” Idolatry can creep into any area of our lives.
Are you an idolater?
What are some objects of idolatrous worship in America today?
-people (girl, guy, celebrity, boss or leader)
-a sport or hobby
-a job
-a sports team
Basically anything that stands in the way or redirects passion for God and glory, honor and praise from God and places it on another activity or object. Idolatry is one of those things we are all involved in on a regular basis.
Anytime we refuse to witness to someone because of our pride, that’s idolatry.
Anytime we let a sport or hobby get in the way of worship or ministry, that’s idolatry.
Anytime we set aside discipleship for work or a girl/guy, that’s idolatry.
Exodus 32:11-14-God’s love for his people
-God is patient
-God is faithful to his promises
-God is passionate about his name
Thankfully God is patient and will not immediately destroy us for our idolatry, but he does want us to recognize it, repent of it, and get rid of our idols. This doesn’t mean we can never play sports, watch tv, hang out with a girl, or work a job. It just means we need to have priorities...and our priorities will show what we worship.
So, what do you worship?
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1 comment:
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