Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Systematic Theology Part 19-Creating Confidence

Have you ever noticed the differences between people that are confident and people that lack confidence? See if you agree with these:

Confidence means we make choices faster, easier, more boldly, without doubt and with certainty.

Lack of confidence shows itself with hesitation, uncertainty, doubt and fear.

The Doctrine of Creation gives us confidence, specifically in 3 areas. But why?

When you look at the story of creation in Genesis 1 and further into the Old Testament you see the creative act attributed to God. As you go through the Old Testament and into the New Testament you see that God created with ALL of who he is in that the Spirit and Son also contributed to the creative act along with the Father.

Genesis 1, Isaiah 37:16, Isaiah 44:24 and Isaiah 45:12 speak of the Father's Authority as the AUTHOR of creation.

John 1:1-3, 1 Corinthians 8:6; Colossians 1:16 and Hebrews 1:2 show how the Father created THROUGH the son.

And Genesis 1:2, Genesis 2:7, Psalm 33:6, Psalm 104:30, Job 26:13 and Job 33:4 talk about the Father giving life THROUGH the Spirit.

While we don't see the word "trinity" in the Bible creation is one of the doctrines in which the truth and reality of the Trinity is revealed and confirmed.

"It appears from scripture that it was the Father who brought the created universe into existence. But it was the Spirit and the Son who fashioned it, who carried out the details of the design. Although creation is from the Father, it is through the Son and the Holy Spirit." (Millard Erickson, Christian Theology, p399)

The doctrine of creation supports the truth that the Son and Spirit are eternal and the Son and Spirit are God.

God poured all of who he is into the act of creation and that can give us all kinds of confidence.

1. We can confidently WORSHIP God because he created

Remember that God is one. He does not need anything outside of himself. He is self-existent and self-sustaining. Understanding that, we know he did not have to create.

Worship goes back to the original purpose for which we were created. Creation helps us know that God is real, true and we can worship him as real and true.

As you read the Old Testament you see examples of worship arising from the great acts of God, and you see those acts tied back to a common theme: his act as creator.

In Psalm 96:1-5 and Isaiah 43:1 God is worshiped as the Creator who Saves
In Psalm 121 and Psalm 124 God is worshiped as the Creator who Protects
In Isaiah 40:28-31 and Isaiah 42:5-6 God is worshiped as the Creator who Sustains
In Genesis 1:22, Genesis 1:28, and Psalm 115:15 God is worshiped as the Creator who Blesses

The writers of the Old Testament expressed worship to God not just for what he was doing but what he had done, in the beginning, in Creation.

When we reject or ignore the Doctrine of Creation we reject and ignore a foundation of true Worship.

2. We can confidently pray to God because he created

In Acts 4:23-30 we see the early church praying fervently for the brothers who are sharing Christ in the face of great persecution. What's interesting about their prayer is that it begins with faith, trust and hope in God as CREATOR.

As they pray to the creator God they are praying for boldness to witness. As Paul ministers he also appeals to God as creator as a foundation of his witness. (Acts 14:15; Acts 17:24)

3. We can confidently talk about God because he created

When you talk about God you are talking about a real and true God as evidenced in creation. This should give you confidence.

There is a lot at stake in the Doctrine of Creation. Without a proper biblical understanding of the doctrine certain things are bound to happen (and are as many, even in our churches, reject the doctrine of creation)

Idolatry increases
True worship decreases

Fear of man increases
Fear of God decreases

Confidence in us increases
Confidence in God decreases

Belief in the goodness of man increases
Belief in the sinfulness of man decreases

Talk of man and what he's done increases
Talk of God and what he's done decreases

A biblical understanding of creation is foundational to right biblical belief about God, man, life, worship, salvation and eternity.

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