Welcome back to the Deep End everyone! We've moved our meeting Tuesday nights to allow for my new schedule with the children's bible studies on Wednesday nights. We have also started a new series on Systematic Theology. Why? Well, that was what this first lesson was all about! Why should we be interested in studying such a subject?
Every year people pay thousands of dollars and hours of their lives studying some crazy subjects. Check out these courses that some colleges around the country are offering:
Centre College in Kentucky: The Art of Walking
Bowdoin College in Maine: The Horror Film Context
Alfred University in New York: Maple Syrup; Tightwaddery, or the good life on a dollar a day
Georgetown University in Maryland: Philosophy of Star Trek
University of Sioux Falls in South Dakota: Finding Dates worth keeping
Frostburg University in Maryland: The Science of Harry Potter
Santa Clara University in California: The Joy of Garbage
University of California: The Science of Superheroes and, of course, Underwater Basket Weaving.
Like I said...thousands of dollars and countless hours studying subjects that have not long-term, let alone eternal, significance. In a word the time spent in these classes is largely...WORTHLESS.
We have a chance this year to study a subject that is not only eternally significant but has implications for our daily life right now. This is Theology...the study of God...or as one theologian defines it:
"The investigation of all possible truth about God...in order to discern...creation's appropriate response to God." Paige Patterson
Here are 6 More Good Reason to study theology
(check out This Page and This Page for the original source from cal.vini.st)
1. You're a theologian already
We all already believe something about God (even those who believe God does not exist). This belief about God is our doctrine...our theology. The question is this: Is what you believe about God correct? How can you know? Studying theology can help answer that question. God has revealed himself to us in his creation so that we can all know something of him (Romans 1:18-22) but has revealed even more of himself in his Word, the Bible. Let's study it!
2. You will study what you love
Everyone has subjects they love to learn and teach about, but are we getting strong in those subjects (cars, people, video games, sports, cooking, etc.) while getting weaker in our understand of God and the world he has created? If we love Jesus we will want to KNOW him.
3. Your Doctrine will determine how you live
I love how companies have to put crazy warning labels on things. I think it's amazing that people will do things that are clearly dangerous and idiotic without thinking twice. I know NOT to do certain things because I know they are dangerous. I do other things because I know they are beneficial. The way I live is determined by what I know. The way I will live my life for the glory of God will be impacted by what I know of God. Theology will help me better know how to honor God with my life.
4. You think too highly of yourself
You might know a lot about a subject. In fact, maybe you're an expert in certain areas. But, just because you know something in one subject does not excuse you from effort in another area. The reality is that Theology is a subject that can be studied for an entire life and still not plumb the full depths of what it has to offer. Don't be satisfied with the little you know about God or the assumptions you have about God. Take advantage of the other great minds that have considered God to a depth beyond your imagination. Don't think you are beyond studying theology and that it can't be exciting or applicable to your life.
5. Your discernment will be sharpened
You will be able to better recognize sin in your life and recognize those who are creeping into the church to destroy the faith (Jude 3-4). It's time to contend for the faith and to do it with dedicated study.
6. You need to know what you believe and why
"Much of what you believe has likely been formed due to where you heard the gospel." Often the influences of our location, family and church can influence our beliefs more than the Bible does. Often we believe something and have no idea why we believe that or why it may be right...or wrong. It's time to test the teaching, study the Word and KNOW God.
The Purpose of Theology
"To know the triune God, His special revelation to man, His will and ways, in order to more effectively live holy lives in His service and to lead others to do the same." David Nelson
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Who We Are

- H2O Student Ministries
- encourages students to daily walk worthy of their transforming call in Christ Jesus through: Regular Bible Study, Deep Fellowship & Accountability, Bold Witnessing, a Lifestyle of Worship, and Challenging Ministry.
H2O on Facebook
When & Where We Meet
- The Flood Zone-Sundays @ Water's Edge-6:00-8:00
- Systematic Theology Part IV: What's the Source?
- Joey Update Vol. 24
- The VIRTUAL Deep End: Maps are Good
- Contemplate & Consider Vol. 12
- ULead: Faith
- Funny or Not? Vol. 26
- Systematic Theology Part II: Overcoming Obstacles
- Joey Update Vol. 23
- Contemplate & Consider Vol. 11
- Systematic Theology Part I: Why Theology?
- Do Hard Things Update
- Funny or Not? Vol. 25
- Flood Zone Schedule Additions for 2009/2010
- The Deep End Returns!
Coming Soon
- Jan 6-7-Courageous Movie Event
- Jan 13-14-YEC
- Jan 15-The Flood Zone Returns!
- Feb 3-4-20/20 Conference
Other Blogs we Read
Our Clemson Trip10 years ago
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