Our study of theology can run into several obstacles that we are in danger of tripping over. When these obstacles come along we are tempted to give up in our study. So, even though we may fall let us get up and keep going, removing the obstacles out of the way, and fighting for more of God in our lives.
What obstacles can hinder our study of theology? Here are 3:
1. Laziness
Proverbs 6:6-11 tells us the story of the ant, how she goes about her work without having to be told to do it and before the need arises. Studying theology is something that is going to take some self-motivation. It's sometimes hard to see how theology will benefit your life, but that's where we need to kick laziness. We may not know how God wants to use it, or when we will need it, but we still need to be diligent to study now so we are ready when the moment arises.
Laziness in studying theology is a danger we need to watch out for. It can get hard and that’s going to make us want to give up, sit back, relax and not even try. If you give into the laziness you will be weak in witnessing, poor in understanding of truth and lost in the struggle of life.
How do we remove the obstacle of laziness?
Determine to engage your mind (2 Timothy 2:15)
2. Lack of Illumination
Have you ever tried to do something blindfolded? Some things are possible, yet really difficult, to do blindfolded (like sorting coins or walking through a room) while others are near impossible (like sorting m&m's into colors or drive a car on a busy street). Studying theology is near impossible without sight or illumination. The Holy Spirit is promised by Jesus to lead us into all Truth and help us remember what He has taught us (John 16:12-15). Much of the study of God will seem like foolishness to those who are not in the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14-16).
The most important tool in our study of theology is the Holy Spirit. You can have your bible, commentaries, notes, teachers, videos...everything and still not understand what is being studies. The Holy Spirit’s job is illumination...helping the light bulb of understanding come on.
How do we remove the obstacle of Lack of Illumination?
Regularly pray for illumination. If you are not in Christ, then the Spirit is not your helper. Confess your sin, surrender to Christ and receive the Spirit.
3. Limitations of Language and Understanding
God reminds us how much smarter (infinitely smarter) he is than us in Isaiah 55:8-11. But, just because some things are hard to understand and seem "beyond us" doesn't mean we need to stop trying. Keep asking the question "why?" and keep looking for the answer to the "why"'s
How do we remove the obstacle of Limitations?
Start on the surface but don't be satisfied with the surface (Ephesians 4:11-25)
Our Goal in this study is not to make you professional theologians able to answer any and every question about God and his world but to give your beliefs a sure foundation on Truth. Our goal is to move you from Folk Theologians to Lay Theologians.
What is a Folk Theologian? It is what most people in our churches are...including us in many ways. Here's a definition:
Folk theologians “reject critical reflection and enthusiastically embraces simplistic acceptance of an informal tradition of beliefs and practices composed mainly of cliches and legends.”
Another way of saying that is we believe what we believe because of tradition, not because of any effort or study.
Don't be a folk theologian, having no reason or understanding why you believe what you believe. Confirm your beliefs in the Word and the Spirit. Challenge your beliefs and do away with the ones that are incorrect. Then you will accomplish the goal of our study: to become Lay Theologians.
What is a Lay Theologian? Here's a definition:
Lay Theologians “seek with what means it has to bring Christian beliefs into a well-founded, coherent whole by questioning unfounded traditions and expunging blatant contradictions.”
In other words Lay Theologians use available tools to place beliefs on a solid foundation of Truth.
So, bring your beliefs to the Word and let's see how God wants to lead us into a deeper understanding of Him and his Word.
In Preparation for next week memorize Ephesians 4:24
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- Systematic Theology Part IV: What's the Source?
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- Contemplate & Consider Vol. 12
- ULead: Faith
- Funny or Not? Vol. 26
- Systematic Theology Part II: Overcoming Obstacles
- Joey Update Vol. 23
- Contemplate & Consider Vol. 11
- Systematic Theology Part I: Why Theology?
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