"No one can come to Christ without having some knowledge of who God is. But after one comes to Christ, the issue is whether knowledge grows or stays puny and vague. Unfortunately, a flea could wade in the depth of knowledge about God in the mind of the average Christian."
R.C. Sproul, Renewing Your Mind, p30.
Christie and I had an interesting conversation this morning about the lack of the knowledge of God among Christians. It was sparked by and article by Al Mohler with reference to blatant heresies the the popular (10 million copies sold) book The Shack. (Read the Article Here)
People have claimed that The Shack has helped them understand God better and draw closer to him. The problem presented by Mohler is that the god of The Shack is not the God of the Bible.
The question Christie and I were discussing is, "whose fault is it that Christians are comforted by a book full of false teaching about God?" Is it the church's fault that they are not teaching the Truth of God in a more accessible way? Is it the Christian's fault that they will not Love the Lord with all their MIND!
This quote from R.C. Sproul puts the majority of the responsibility on us, the Christian. Yes, the church needs to teach Truth in a way that can be understood, but the individual Christian needs to be less overwhelmed by tough reading and less easily satisfied by heretical fiction and heretical "spirituality" that is smeared all over tv, magazines and popular books...no matter how accessible.
If we knew the Word and the God who has revealed himself in the Word better we would be less comforted, intrigued and deceived by culturally accessible, yet unbiblical, notions of God.
There is more glory, peace and hope packed in one morsel of the reality of the One True God than in all the books and ideas of man.
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