There are some things that everyone can agree about liking. The look of fresh snow on the ground. The first day of summer break. The smell of baking cookies. Bacon. With God there are some attributes that everyone likes. These attributes are his Love, Goodness and Righteousness.
God's Love
1 John 4:8, 16 tells us that God is love. Often when we talk about God’s love we are thinking in a people-centered way. We think about God’s love as it relates to us. It’s true...God does love us (as we are about to see) but it’s important to understand that God’s love did not start with the creation of the world and people. According to John 17:24 God's love extends to eternity past. Before the foundations of the world he loved Jesus.
Love is a attribute of God. It always has been and always will be. God takes great joy in loving us, his creation, but before we existed he still loved.
“Had God chosen never to create the world or human beings within it, he would not suffer a deficiency of love.” (Timothy George, A Theology for the Church, p226)
God expresses the full essence of love within himself...within the trinity.
God has perfect love within himself. He receives and gives love perfectly within the Trinity. God was not obligated to share this love with us, but he has! How does God love?
Jonah 4:2-God is gracious, merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love
Zephaniah 3:17-God rejoices over us, quiets us in his love
John 3:16-Loved us and sent his son to save us
Romans 5:8-While we were still sinners Christ died for us
God has passed down this love to his children. John 13:35; 1 John 2:9-11; and 1 John 4:8, 16
remind us that if you are in Christ and Christ is in you your first instinct should be one of Love.
God's Goodness
We use the word "good" to describe a myriad of actions and objects. A person can be called good if they don't do what is considered bad. A basketball shot or football field goal can be called good if it is accurate. A movie, book or cd is called good if it's enjoyable. Food is good if it tastes good and satisfies.
The multiplicity of definitions for "good" may confuse us or limit our understanding of what it means for God to be good. Here's a definition:
“The goodness of God is that which disposes Him to be kind, cordial, benevolent, and full of good will toward men.“ (A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy, p127)
How is God good?
God is Gracious
“God’s expression of goodness in His not giving us our due punishment” (David Nelson, Systematic Theology Class Notes, p83)
God is a great gift giver. Gift givers don’t give gifts based on how good you’ve been. Gift givers give gifts out of love and grace. If gifts were based on how good we’ve been, all of us would get boxes full of coal, or maybe even angry spitting cobras. That’s what we deserve. In the case of eternity we deserve hell, but that’s not what we get. Instead...
Ephesians 2:5-9-gift of God for salvation shown in Christ Jesus
Titus 2:11-results in salvation
Titus 3:4-7-gives us an inheritance in eternity
“If God gave to all what they deserve, none would be saved.” (Millard Erickson, Systematic Theology, p322)
God is Merciful
“God’s pity and goodness expressed toward those in distress.” (Nelson, p83)
What's the difference between grace and mercy? According to Erickson:
"if grace contemplates humans as sinful, guilty, and condemned, mercy sees them as miserable and needy.” (Erickson, p322)
“God deals with his people not on the basis of their merit or worthiness, what they deserve, but simply according to their need” (Erickson, p320-321)
Psalm 103:13-mercy as compassion-the way a father has compassion to a child
Exodus 3:7-8-delivering Israel from slavery
Mark 1:40-41, Matthew 14:14-mercy in healing
As a pastor I see a lot of need. People without food, without homes, without heat, without hope. We should show mercy when we see these needs, but we always need to remember:
The greatest need any person has is rescue from sin!
And God is patient in providing this rescue from sin!
God is Patient
“The expression of God’s goodness in withholding due punishment over a period of time.” (Nelson, p83)
Psalm 86:15-slow to anger, steadfast love
Romans 2:4-his patience is for the purpose of leading us to repentance
2 Peter 3:15-count the patience of the Lord as salvation
God is “withholding judgment and continuing to offer salvation and grace over long periods of time” (Erickson, p322)
Our culture is built AGAINST patience. People get upset when the satellite stalls or the light doesn’t change at the right time or the lady in front of you at Wal-Mart decides to write a check instead of sliding the card. We can't believe it when our fast food order doesn't come in under 3 minutes or when our waiter doesn't refill our sweet tea the moment we drink the last drop. Our understanding of patience is largely gone, so don't think of God's patience as human patience. His patience has lasted thousands of years and continues today. May we take on a more Godly patience with those around us.
God is Righteous
Psalm 11:7 tells us that God is righteous. How does God show his righteousness?
His Law is Perfect (Psalm 19:7)
His Actions are Perfect (Jer 9:24-practices righteousness)
“God commands only what is right, and what will therefore have a positive effect on the believer who obeys.” (Systematic Theology, p313, Erickson)
God is Just
God's righteousness leads to his justice (Job 34:12). How is God just?
God punishes sin (Gen 2:17; Rom 6:23)
God rewards righteousness (Psalm 58:11)
All of these attributes all come together and are revealed in their fullness at the cross (Romans 5:8). The cross of Christ is the ultimate display of love, grace, mercy, patience, righteousness and justice. Are you grateful for that?
Write a letter of thanksgiving to God for each of these attributes:
Why are you thankful for God’s love?
Why are you thankful for God’s goodness?
Why are you thankful for God’s righteousness?
Why are you thankful for God’s justice?
Tell Him!
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- Me...Prideful? No! Well...
- Contemplate & Consider Vol. 13
- Systematic Theology Part 15-Who put Him in Charge?
- ULead-What's your purpose?
- Funny or Not? Vol. 30
- Abort73
- How Much is Media a Part of Your Life?
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- Crazy! Human Jumbotron
- Joey Update Vol. 26
- Systematic Theology Part XIV-Does God have a Dark ...
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- Systematic Theology Part XIII-Now These...I Like!
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