Yes. Yes. I know. It's been MONTHS since I have done ANYTHING with this blog. I'm sorry! I've been busy! Stop pestering me about it! Did you like Momentum? If so, then you should be happy that the blog hasn't been updated!
Anyway, like I have been promising, the Blog is making it's comeback just in time for the start of the 2008 College Football season (hmmm....Ryan. This blog has nothing to do with college football.) Ok, so it's making it's comeback in time for band competition season (again, Ryan, this blog has nothing to do with that...get with it man). Alright, alright. The blog is back just in time for chili season! (What???!!!??? What is chili season?) It's the time of year when it's OK to start eating chili again. And man I love chili. And cornbread too! I am so excited! (Ryan...chill! There is nothing about chili in this blog. Get focused!) Your right. I'm sorry. Ok. Here we go.
the blog is back! And just in time for the MLB playoffs! (RYAN! SERIOUSLY! GET ON WITH IT!)
OK!!!! I'm just trying to have a little fun! Sheesh!
So. You might be wondering what is going to be different or "new" about the blog. Well, some of the same old elements will be here (event pictures, calendars, announcements, bible study recaps(although they will probably be much less in depth than in the past) and such) along with some new elements (such as updates on Joey's ministry in Chad). If you look to your, not that far right...just to the edge of the screen, you will see some new things.
Polls: They may have something or nothing to do about what we are studying. Sometimes these polls will be serious, but most of the time they will be fun.
Links: Just some web-sites I think you may be interested in visiting, and some only I may care about!
Lists: Suggested reading lists that may go along with what we are studying on Wednesdays and Sundays or maybe just books that I have enjoyed. Suggested music that you should check out (by the way, I highly recommend the site I have linked to the right).
Previews of what we will be studying in coming weeks and months.
So, come back often and stay for an extended period of time. I promise to try my best to keep this blog "Up 2 Date" especially since that is the name of it! (Yeah, ryan, cause lately it's needed to be named "What happened a year ago w/ H2O. Way to stay consistent man!)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
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- H2O Student Ministries
- encourages students to daily walk worthy of their transforming call in Christ Jesus through: Regular Bible Study, Deep Fellowship & Accountability, Bold Witnessing, a Lifestyle of Worship, and Challenging Ministry.
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When & Where We Meet
- The Flood Zone-Sundays @ Water's Edge-6:00-8:00
Coming Soon
- Jan 6-7-Courageous Movie Event
- Jan 13-14-YEC
- Jan 15-The Flood Zone Returns!
- Feb 3-4-20/20 Conference
Other Blogs we Read
Our Clemson Trip10 years ago
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