As the conclusion to our summer series of Questions asked by you guys, we come to the following question:
"God has given us appetites. How far should these appetites take us before it becomes sin? (Just to be specific, sexual appetites)"
It is not my intention here to focus on sexual appetites while answering this question. However, I do believe that Godly principles hold true in all areas of our lives so we can trust that as God's word teaches us about our God-given appetites in general, those truths can be applied to our sexual appetites as well.
1 Corinthians 10:31 reminds us that we are to do everything to the glory of God, whether we are eating, drinking or doing anything. Paul doesn't leave us there though. he then shows us how we can use our appetites in a god-glorifying way in vs 31-11:1.
A God-Glorifying Use of our Appetites...
1. Tries not to offend anyone (Christian or non-Christian) (v32)
2. Is not selfish (Does not seek its own advantage) (v33)
3. Does not hinder the gospel (v33)
4. Portrays Christ accurately (11:1)
God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us know when and if we have gone too far. 2 of the many roles of the Holy Spirit are seen in John 16.
Conviction (John 16:8)-the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and draws us toward righteousness
Revealing truth (John 16:13)-The Holy Spirit reveals truth to us through which we can then live our lives.
So, if you are wondering if your God-given appetites are crossing the line and no longer glorifying God, trust the Spirit that has been given to you through Christ and examine your actions to see if they are offensive, selfish, a hindrance to the Gospel, or portray Christ as something he is not. Then listen to and obey the Holy Spirit as he leads to respond in a way that will no doubt truly Glorify God.
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sweet i know how to work this fool thing now thats whats up , any way i know its been a while since we did this lesson , but it still holds so true with me , what you said that sunday really spoke to me and convicted me , praise God you let Him work thu you man thanks a billion , peace and love
who was that last guy ? he was a doofus
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