September 21, 2008
Hey everybody! Thank you all first of all for hanging with me and not
ceasing to offer up thanks to our loving One. This is what I have been
doing lately for He is good. Still, this time of year, square into
Fasting Month (to be completed either the 28th or 29 of this month) is
a difficult one spiritually. This is the time of atonement for all
sins that have been racked up during the year. There is a drain on
their physical health and a draw upon us Workers. Something in the air
is sinister, someone who does not want us here. I've heard from some
who have been here for a while that during this month the enemy seems
to have freer reign to do great harm. Still, we will labor in this
field. Thank you for lifting up this land and the people. Lift up them
up especially during the Night of Power as this is the culmination of
Fasting and a night of hard spiritual battle.
As for me, I've been doing well through all this. There are tiring
days but it is good to know that I am not alone here. Still, there
have been some hard knocks lately.
Two weeks ago I was pulled over by a policeman who wanted a bribe
(here the expressions are things like: 'I want some water from
heaven'). We managed to be able not to pay but this has caused some
Then last week an especially painful dart. A close national friend
stole about a month's salary of money from me. He and his accomplice
have been caught but the money has not yet been returned. Please lift
up this friend for repentance and restoration in the Body. He is now
in jail and we are Asking that our Father chasten him until he turns
in repentance. Still, if the money is returned and he has not
repented, than part of this would have wasted. We have now had to cut
off all fellowship with him following Mt. 18.
In the midst of these things great blessings have been seen. Lang.
learning in the target lang. has been going for 3 weeks now and I have
already told whole stories! As the words become more comfortable in
our mouths, my teammate and I are able to share more and more of the
Story. Praise Him because we have a teacher who seems to be a seeker
and is sympathetic to what we are doing.
Now some information:
My phone number has changed. To call me now from the States, dial these numbers:
011 235 944 6349
The first three are the international number, the next is the country
number and the last 7 is my number.
My mailing address has changed and this is the new one. Please send
all things to:
Joey Howell
BP 1263
N'Djamena, Chad
Also, I will submit my Christmas list as I will be out in the village
until then. You can send non-perishable or sealed items like Oreos or
other cookies like them, jerky is good and books, though heavy, if
sent in small quantities, are appreciated. Also, if you can find a map
of our country or the capital, N'Djamena, complete with topography or
something- pretty detailed, and it would not be a terribly large and
unwieldy one, please send it along.
Now the Hamdu's:
-That throughout the painful betrayal, that our Father brought me
deeper into fellowship with Him. After all, His Son was betrayed by a
close friend and was stolen from. He too entered a land of great
corruption and loved us anyway.
-That I have been learning to thank Him in all things.
-That language is flying so well.
-That next week we will be headed out to the village for three months
hopefully to begin the next stage of lang. learning.
The Du'as:
-For repentance of my friend Harley and his accomplice.
-For the money that was taken to be returned.
-For travel out to the village and packing things.
-Language learning still.
- For the people during this Month of Fasting, especially on the last day.
Now, I want to thank John R. for sending the camara along the address
in the States. I'll take some pictures for you and send them when I'm
Finally, thanks so much for everything and your sallaha for me.
Rihi afe!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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- Spontaneous Poetry
- Proverbs Part III-Get Your Brain off its Butt and ...
- Funny or Not Vol. 3
- Joey Update vol. 3
- Joey Update vol. 2
- Invite Night
- Proverbs Part II-Here Kitty, Kitty (Proverbs 1:10-33)
- She Must And Shall Go Free Part IV: Nothing (Witho...
- Proverbs Part I-Stopping To Ask for Direction (Pro...
- She Must And Shall Go Free Part III: Take to the W...
- A Note from Whalen
- Contemplate & Consider
- Funny or Not? Vol. 2
- Louie Giglio - Laminin
- She Must and Shall Go Free Par II: She Must and Sh...
Coming Soon
- Jan 6-7-Courageous Movie Event
- Jan 13-14-YEC
- Jan 15-The Flood Zone Returns!
- Feb 3-4-20/20 Conference
Other Blogs we Read
Our Clemson Trip10 years ago
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