Have you ever tried to put clothes on that didn't fit you? It can be very uncomfortable to wear something that is too big or too small. Constricting, saggy, annoying, hard to hold up, hard to take off...clothes that don't fit just aren't worth wearing.
Clothes that fit perfectly, however, are great to wear...Comfortable, easy to move around in, not distracting.
Proverbs 1:8-9 describes the teaching and instruction we receive from our parents as "a graceful garland for your head and pendant for your neck". I think of this as saying that the teaching you receive from your parents or other authority in your life is good "dress" for your life. It looks good and it fits well.
Wisdom is the same way. It fits, especially for Christ followers.
So, here we go, with a book of wisdom written by Solomon. Pay attention because it is good "dress" for your life.
Who is this Solomon guy anyway, and why should I listen to him?
In 1 Kings 3:5-14 we see part of Solomon's story. He was King of Israel (the son of King David) and God promised to give him whatever he asked for. Solomon realized that he had a lot of people to care for and a lot of decisions to make, so he asked for discernment and wisdom in ruling the people of Israel. God blessed him with this wisdom (and riches too) and told him that he would be the wisest man that ever had, or ever will, walk the earth.
The wisdom of Solomon is wisdom from God and this wisdom has been passed down to us in the book of Proverbs. If we believe what is said in 1 Kings 3 (and I do) these words were written by the most wise and discerning person EVER to grace the earth (outside of the God-Man, Jesus). So listen. You might learn something!
But, why Proverbs. Solomon wrote some other books. What good will this book do?
In Proverbs 1:2-4 we see 5 reasons we should study Proverbs. 5 Benefits of studying this book.
1. Recognition
The next time someone walks into the room ask yourself, "self, do I know that person"? If the answer is yes, ask yourself how you know him/her. If the answer is no, ask yourself, "why not"? How is it that we come to recognize people we know, or even celebrities that we don't know? We spend time with those people! We talk to them, listen to them and look at them. In this way we learn to recognize who they are.
Proverbs 1:2 tells us that this book will help us "to know wisdom and instruction." We will learn to recognize wisdom when we see it. How? By spending time studying, reading, and looking at wisdom.
2. Understanding
Do you know what this phrase means? "Maak als een boom en een verlof." here's a hint. It's Dutch. How can you get to a point where you do understand this phrase?
The second half of Proverbs 1:2 says that we will "understand words of insight". By studying dutch and spending time around dutch people we will understand dutch. In the same way when we spend time studying wisdom and speaking with wise people we will understand the language of wisdom/insight. As we spend time in the book of proverbs we will gain understanding.
(By the way, the dutch phrase says "make like a tree and leave.")
3. Teachability
Has someone ever tried to teach you something and you've thought, "I don't need to know this. I've got everything under control." Have you ever made a mistake once and determined to never make the same mistake again. If you are like the first person then you were not teachable in that situation. If you were like the second person, then you were teachable.
We need to be teachable and Proverbs will help us learn to be teachable. Proverbs 1:3 tells us we will begin to "receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity". As you study this book determine to listen to and learn from what it teaches.
4. Depth
Proverbs will also give us depth of understanding. It will take us to a deeper, more complex level like a backhoe is deeper and more complex than a shovel. We will still be doing the same job (living this life for the glory of God) but with a deeper understanding of how God wants us to live this life. As Proverbs 1:4 says there will be "prudence to the simple/naive."
5. Illumination
How many of the following things have you experienced:
Fought in a war
Gotten married
Had Children
Buried a Parent
Bought a House
Gone to Graduate School
Been Out of the Country
Faced a Life Threatening Illness
Lost a Job
Quit a Tough Habit
I could say I have experienced 6 of those things. My granddad could say he has experienced at least 9, if not all 10. How about you? 1? 2? Maybe 3? We can learn a lot from people who are older than us. They can bring illumination to parts of life that we have not yet experienced. We don't know it all. We need help in living this life. If man can bring illumination to the "dark" parts of our life, how much more can the Word of God, in this case Proverbs, give us knowledge and direction. As we study Proverbs it will "give knowledge and direction to the youth."
What about You?
Do you want to be characterized as wise? Could you be characterized as wise now? As we study thorugh Proverbs challenge yourself to grow in wisdom. But how? What does wisdom look like. Here are 4 characteristics of a wise person from Proverbs 1:5-7
1. Hear-"the wise hear and increase in learning" (v5)
2. Search-the wise search for and "obtain guidance" (v5)
3. Seek-"the wise seek out meaning" (v6)
4. Fear-"the wise fear the Lord" (v7)
The fool, however, "despises wisdom and instruction."
This week and this school year don't be a fool. Hear, search, seek, and fear. Start now. We have a great opportunity here to stop in the book of Proverbs for a little while and ask for directions with our life...direction that comes straight from the wisdom of the Lord.
I hope you are starting to see the importance of this book for your life!
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- Spontaneous Poetry
- Proverbs Part III-Get Your Brain off its Butt and ...
- Funny or Not Vol. 3
- Joey Update vol. 3
- Joey Update vol. 2
- Invite Night
- Proverbs Part II-Here Kitty, Kitty (Proverbs 1:10-33)
- She Must And Shall Go Free Part IV: Nothing (Witho...
- Proverbs Part I-Stopping To Ask for Direction (Pro...
- She Must And Shall Go Free Part III: Take to the W...
- A Note from Whalen
- Contemplate & Consider
- Funny or Not? Vol. 2
- Louie Giglio - Laminin
- She Must and Shall Go Free Par II: She Must and Sh...
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Our Clemson Trip10 years ago
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