Sesigeh lunjegema! Peace to you all indeed my friends! It has been a while since I wrote and much has happened so far this month. Where to begin? Aye, at the beginning.
I took a MAF flight out to the village at the end of last month. It was a small Cessna type plane (which I’d never ridden before) and I got to see much of the countryside. I rued that I lacked a camara and also my position in the middle of the back seat, far from any windows. Still, it afforded me with a good view of the desert and assorted villages. I also saw Lake Fitri which our people live around. We traveled with two gentlemen who were to work on our house electricity and lights. It was a good travel out.
When we arrived, a welcoming committee was there to greet us and it did my heart good to see such friends after nearly a year absence. Our house was quickly wired and worked fine- for a few days. The nature of electricity here is not of an exact science, but more like alchemy really. That is it takes a bit of sense and a lot of faith! Except instead of turning common metals into gold as was the goal of those alchemists of yore, our electricity turned a working phone charger into a fried phone charger, as my friend and partner here can attest.
All this aside, good things have indeed been happening. Good things indeed! One day I had the privilege of going to a distant village with the doctor and helping a woman who had been in labor for three days to no avail. We went to bring her to the hospital in town and prayed for her a lot on the way back- the doctor said he couldn’t find the baby’s heartbeat and feared that it was dead. We got to the hospital and I prayed for her again. The very next day, I hear that within 3 hours she gave birth to a healthy baby girl! Al hamdu l’llah!
Also, a team came through from Liberty Baptist in a town near mine in VA and it was good fellowship that week. Now, perhaps the best news of all, a friend of mine accepted the Lord! This took place just this weekend and just after a training session some in the kanisa here. Our Father is doing some work in this family so please lift them up. Which brings me to the next thing.
-For the mother and her baby girl that lived (this was her eighth and the only one which gave her trouble incidentally)
-For the new Brother
-For the team which left one of its members here for a few weeks to see the country and work in the clinic
-For continued language learning
-For the opportunities I’ve had to share the Story
-To keep walking close with the Father
-Continued building of relationships between team members here
-Language learning and yet more opportunities to meet people and invite them over to our house
-Taking advantage of opportunities to share
-And finally for the other teams that will be coming through in the next weeks and months.
His kingdom advances and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. Indeed darkness must flee before light. This I’ve seen here already and I long to see more. Our Father takes back His land one person at a time. Thank you all for your support in these days. I thank the Father that I am able to write to you in this way and to share with you good news.
Peace be with you all!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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- The Flood Zone-Sundays @ Water's Edge-6:00-8:00
- Funny or Not? Vol. 7
- Proverbs Part VII-I'm Glad I'm not Like that! (Or ...
- Joey Update vol. 4
- Funny or Not? Vol. 6 (Part I)
- Funny or Not? Vol. 6 (Part II)
- Proverbs Part VI-A Look Inside (Proverbs 3:13-24)
- Proverbs Part V-Practices in Biblical Programming ...
- She Must and Shall Go Free Part VI: Wedding Dress
- Funny or Not? Vol. 5
- The Road Runner
- Proverbs Part IV-Warning! Dead End Ahead! (Prover...
- Funny or Not? Vol. 4
- She Must and Shall Go Free Part V: Lover
Coming Soon
- Jan 6-7-Courageous Movie Event
- Jan 13-14-YEC
- Jan 15-The Flood Zone Returns!
- Feb 3-4-20/20 Conference
Other Blogs we Read
Our Clemson Trip10 years ago
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