Scavenger hunts are great, especially when there is a prize at the end for finding every item on the list. But what if every item on the list could not be found? You might find yourself upset with the creator of the scavenger hunt for putting impossible items on the list. You might return to them with your list and say, "there is no possible way I can find Ming Dynasty era armor in your back yard."
When it comes to actively responding to the call of wisdom by searching for it like you would hidden treasure God we will not return disappointed.
Proverbs 2:1-5 gives us a promise: if we will search for wisdom, we will find it and there will be great benefit to our lives when we do find it. Proverbs 2:5-12 describes the outcome of our active response to the call of wisdom.
1. Understanding (Proverbs 2:5-7a)-Have you ever stared down a road only to find out that the only outlet from that road was blocked? This happens to me more than I'd like to admit (even in a small town like Clarksville) where I'll be heading down a back road only to find traffic cones set up at the other end for some sort of road work or utility work. My first thought is always "why didn't they put a sign up at the other end of the road. I would not have come this way!" Then I think, "how am I going to turn around on this small road." God promises that when we find wisdom we will also find understanding. But what kind of understanding. In verses 9-10 we are told we will understand "every good path". What do the good paths consist of? Righteousness, justice and equity. We are promised that we will not have to go down the dead end roads anymore. There will be a clear sign telling us that we are not heding down the "good paths" of righteousness, equity and justice.
2. Protection (Proverbs 2:7b-8)-Who is this protection for? According to verse 11-12 this protection is for those who are walking down the good paths of integrity and understanding. Without the understanding that wisdom promises the protection that wisdom promises is not available. Just think. Someone tells you that a road is dangerous. You can accept that wisdom and understand it, not take the road and recieve protection. Or you can take your chances and head down the road anyway, spurning the wisdom, understanding, and protection. For some reason we like to "take our chances" even when wisdom is clearly warning us of the dangers ahead.
3. Deliverance (Proverbs 2:12)-Wisdom also promises us deliverance from the dead ends, not just protection. We used to watch the Road Runner all the time when I was a kid (see the "Road Runner" YouTube post for an example of this). As I have grown up I have come to realize that we are just like Wile E. Coyote. We are enticed by sin and we run after it no matter the consequences. There can be a clear sign telling us of the dangers but we easily ignore it (ignoring the call of wisdom!!!) and find ourselves running off a cliff to our doom. We beg for mercy from God but why should he give proteciton and deliverance when he has already warned us that the road is dangerous. His proteciton and deliverance is to keep us off that road. And we do it over, and over, and over, and over again, just like the coyote.
We know the dead ends. We run into them every day. The obvious sins. The secret sins. They don't suprise us anymore because we are very familiar with them. And still we blame God for the troubles in our life. Still we blame God for not "giving us the strength" to resist.
God has made a promise and will be faithful in it: if we will actively respond to the call of wisdom we will have understanding, protection, and deliverance.
This week remember the benefit of actively responding to the call of wisdom (understanding, protection, and deliverance) and remember what happens to those who chase after the dead end enticement of sin:
Proverbs 2:18-19, 22
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- The Flood Zone-Sundays @ Water's Edge-6:00-8:00
- Funny or Not? Vol. 7
- Proverbs Part VII-I'm Glad I'm not Like that! (Or ...
- Joey Update vol. 4
- Funny or Not? Vol. 6 (Part I)
- Funny or Not? Vol. 6 (Part II)
- Proverbs Part VI-A Look Inside (Proverbs 3:13-24)
- Proverbs Part V-Practices in Biblical Programming ...
- She Must and Shall Go Free Part VI: Wedding Dress
- Funny or Not? Vol. 5
- The Road Runner
- Proverbs Part IV-Warning! Dead End Ahead! (Prover...
- Funny or Not? Vol. 4
- She Must and Shall Go Free Part V: Lover
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- Jan 6-7-Courageous Movie Event
- Jan 13-14-YEC
- Jan 15-The Flood Zone Returns!
- Feb 3-4-20/20 Conference
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Our Clemson Trip10 years ago
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