From How People Change by Timothy S. Lane & Paul David Tripp
As I face crucial spiritual struggles in my life and see where I still need to change, what is my hope? The writer of Hebrews [4:14-5:10] points to six things:
1. God is not surprised by my struggle. he already sees the whole problem. He will never be shocked or caught off guard. this is precisely why he sent Christ to earth.
2. The Bible is for people just like you and me. When the writer says that Christ was tempted "in every way, just as we are" (Heb. 4:15), he is reminding me that the Bible speaks to ordinary people with all the familiar struggles of faith and character.
3. Christ enters into my struggle. he has been there. he faced the full range of temptations I do. he knows what it is like to face them.
4. Christ will help. I can be confident that I am not alone in my struggles. Jesus gives mercy and grace appropriate to my need just when I need it.
5. Christ pleads my case to the Father. In all of my struggles I have an advocate. He pleads to the Father on my behalf until I have been fully delivered from every temptation!
6. I can come to God with confidence. I do not have to clean myself up or minimize my struggles. I can come as I am and receive what I need. In my times of struggle, I do not have to run from the Lord. I can run to him to receive what he alone can give.
Real hope is not rooted in my performance, my maturity, my theological knowledge, or my personal perfection. It is not rooted in the quality of my character, my reputation, or my success in ministry. My hope is Christ! He is in my life forever, looking on me with tenderness and compassion. he will progressively transform me until the job is complete. That is the hope that helps us to persevere with the Thorns in our lives.
How People Change. Timothy S. Land & Paul David Tripp. 2006 and 2008 New Growth Press. Page 120. (Emphasis mine).
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