Friday, January 16, 2009

Do Hard Things Challenge 1 we are a couple of weeks into our "Do Hard Things" study and you have already been challenged to do a few things. Thank you for ministering to your friends and family as God has led.

Remember to be INTENTIONAL about this ministry. As you are intentional about when and whom you serve the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to more "spontaneous ministry" opportunities with the people around you.

This week, check your list and pick at least one person to minister to. If you have not yet made a list, grab a piece of paper and write down the names of the people you know. Then write down at least one way you can minister to each individual. (ex: mom-help her by folding the towels without being asked this week. Jeremy-ask him how his grandpa is doing and how I can pray for him)

The simple and practical ministry you extend to your friends and family can go a long way to expressing to them the Truth of who Jesus is and why you serve him. intentional about this...know how and when you are going to minister to the people on your list before you do it!

Take to heart Christie's challenge to go ahead and "Go All In" with this study from the beginning, allowing God to use you in incredible ways even today!

Read chapter 3 for next week and begin to dream about what Hard Things God may have for YOU to and in the future. When God is behind it and the Holy Spirit is your helper, nothing is too big!

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