We all are practicing “fasters” on a regular basis. We are all more than happy to give up something (abstain) for something else that we want. We might give up soft drinks during a sport season. We might give up a certain style of music if a guy or girl we want to impress doesn’t like it. We might quit eating candy to lose weight.
Here are 6 Godly reasons to fast:
1. Fasting helps us hear and understand God. (Jeremiah 29:10, Daniel 9:3,20-23)
2. Fasting teaches control over desire (1 Corinthians 6:12, 9:27)
3. Fasting humbles our souls (Deuteronomy 8:2-3)
4. Fasting prepares us for the “hard things”
3 Biblical Examples
Read Ezra 8:21-23-Ezra returning to rebuild Jerusalem
Read Matthew 4:1-3-Jesus starting his earthly ministry
Read Acts 13:2-3-Selecting and commissioning Paul and Barnabas as missionaries
5. Fasting opens our eyes to poverty and injustice (Isaiah 58:3-7)
6. Fasting helps our prayer life (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
Six godly reasons to fast...the question is do you want it? Do you want to understand God, control desires, have a better prayer life, be humble, do hard things, and recognize other’s needs? If you want these things, where will you start?
What is one regular activity that you wold really miss if it were removed from your schedule? Would you be willing to lay it aside to make sure it hasn’t mastered you? For how long?
Do you want to understand God, control desires, have a better prayer life, be humble, do hard things, and recognize other’s needs? If you want these things, where will you start?
Some Fasting "Practicals"
Things you can fast from:
Food (certain types-candy, caffeine, whole meals)
Video Games
Music (altogether or certain types)
Certain Relationships
Anything that is getting in the way of you hearing and understanding God
Types of Fasts:
The normal fast-Complete abstinence-(only drink water during a food fast)
The partial fast-fast from a particular meal, a particular food, or some other item that requires self-control
The corporate fast-fasting with others (for encouragement and greater power)
Plan Ahead
Work your Way Up
Expect Some Side Effects
-Stomach cramps
-Bad Breath
-Heightened Sense of Taste
The Right Way to End a Fast-Ease your way back in
From Disciplines for Life, part of the Pursuit of Godliness series from Sovereign Grace Ministries
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- Vacation...Day 3
- Vacation...Day One
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- boarding!
- flight #1!
- waiting at the gate in Raleigh
- at Jasons Deli getting ready to go to the airport!
- congrats michael!
- risk
- risk
- playing risk with the guys
- Disciplines for Life Part 5: Fasting
- Joey Update Vol. 17
- Joey Update Vol. 16
- Joey Update Vol. 15
- Disciplines for Life Part 4: Meditation
- Funny or Not? Vol. 22
- Contemplate & Consider Vol. 10
- Funny or Not? Vol. 21
- Sanctus Real at FaithFest 09 in South Boston
- Disciplines for Life Part 3: The Art of Prayer
- Joey Update Vol. 14
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- Jan 6-7-Courageous Movie Event
- Jan 13-14-YEC
- Jan 15-The Flood Zone Returns!
- Feb 3-4-20/20 Conference
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Our Clemson Trip10 years ago
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