Tuesday, January 31, 2006

GTKY 1-The First of 2006

What's In Your Ear? (Not wax...i'm talking about what you are listening to most of the time!)

What's in your CD player, on your Ipod, on your computer, etc?


Anonymous said...

mostly Carrie Underwood, Casting Crowns, Clay Aiken, and 2 mixed cd that josh gave me

Anonymous said...

my station on Yahoo Music Launch Cast...h2ostudents@verizon.net's station!!!

It Rocks!!! (and sometimes rolls)

Anonymous said...

right now...Pillar...usually its worship like Chris Tomlin. My roomie loves him. campus bands rock so does the vision team Andrew plays for...which is a campus band...lol but the main campus band is awesome too. I love worship...God totally moves through it. CHRISTIAN ROCK IS AWESOME TOO!!!